Half empty girl running scared
Seeks redemption past unknown
Tremble with earnest untried
Undiscovered, realized
Faint of heart a broken soul
Waters cold are drowning her
Carried greed on these false wings
All she asks emptiness brings
Wishes for dollars she plies
An innocence worn unscathed
Lost is her beauty inside
Girl unspoken, girl denied
Demand a marker for truth
Spilling blood for your worthy
Create distance unexplored
Girl is nothing but a whore
Seeking redemption, I am
I am better than most men
Still your pardon I demand
Girl lost in life’s Neverland
Steal me and plunder
Create your thunder
Eruption of your
Pollution. Keep it
Simple and give me
All I am asking
Dear girl you are a lost cause
Gentle heart you failed to ignore
Life warnings that have expired
All you are asking denied
Gone. Undone. Broken
I am but a token
Mother has left me
Father is unknown
I will never be free
Pray for me