Perpetually classic. Aged as a fine wine, full-bodied. Naïve.
A lover of idle chatter. Enthusiastic in all pursuits of the heart. Champion of
the underdog. Fiercely protective of my children. Frivolous. At times jaded.
Filled with bouts of self-doubt. Wishful. Boastful only in childish desire to
share. Crave approval. Flawed.
Struggling with who I am. Perfectly imperfect. Want to be liked. Really liked.
Care too much. Clingy. Intense. Huge ham. Lover of self-expression. Through
Dance. In song. Fascinated with words. Carving something from verse and rhyme.
Soulful. Artful. Hopeful. Believer of destiny. Doubter of chance. Temptress of
fate. Possess Faith. Love myself. Cryptic. Cry easily. Mourn quietly. Risk
aversive. Explosive. Gentle. Passionate. Spiritual. Funny. Overthinker. Loud. Reader. Writer.
Blogger. In love. Am loved. Real. This is me.

Monday, October 30, 2017
You give
joy although
you are broken
You see
more than who
she still is
You hear
her shout in
quiet silence
You are
her only
way out
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Lain bare
Cursed be
The wretched soul
Who is she
Breathless mourn
A life denied
This woman suffers
Still she bleeds
And in light
Bone and marrow
Demons damned
Set her free
Broken wings
Of ash and fire
She is me
Friday, October 27, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Electric fire
across the sky
Burning caress
inner thigh
One hundred fireflies
in a jar
Searing glance
from afar
Aching passion
a tender kiss
In your arms
simple bliss
Sunday, October 22, 2017
I was special
My heart
on my sleeve
You told me things
about myself
I felt
I had wings
You gave to me
From a past
I couldn't leave
you held me
in your
I could
finally be
But in your
I could see
A heart
in disguise
untamed heart
could never
The girl
couldn't beFriday, October 20, 2017
oh hell ya!

Society demands it. We are reminded of it every single day
on our computers, our phones. Our televisions. Radios. When you least expect
it. Subway wall and billboard
advertorials. Oh my, the bargains. Whisper the million-dollar secret in my ear for three easy payments of $29.99 plus shipping. Celebrities endorse
them. Whoring themselves product in hand. Be like them. Choose them.
The plans. Educated doctors espousing fail-proof diets. Oops
lifestyles. Avoid carbohydrates. Choose complex or simple. Low fat. High fat
zero carbs. Listen to your Glycemic Index dummy! Whole grains. Eat clean. An apple a day.
Blood analysis. Protein shakes. Three square. Log. Journal. Meet. Discuss.
And the gadgets. Contraptions that tighten. Hold. Push up.
Places wholly designed to take you and morph you into someone entirely
different. Because who you are simply is not good enough. Relax you. Pamper
you. Massage you. Lift this. Tuck that. Give you more. A little plump here.
Reshape of this. Tilt of that. And they take away too. The cellulite Hoover –
who knew! Why settle for anything less. i wonder whether they recycle?
From concealer to blush. Eyelash extensions. Hair
extensions. Dyes. A palette of hues to help you be you. Foundation. Eye pencil.
Lip gloss. Lip liner. Contour. Animal hair brushes that glide smoothly over
your new face. Lazy? Permanent make-up is the flexible option for the busy
woman with low self-esteem.
Keep it altogether. Your girls knocking about in a push-up
by Victoria with matching panties – I would show you but they have disappeared.
YUP my new bootie ate them. Girdles and corsets for the special occasion; showcase
your willpower to the world. Spandex for the PMS bloat days. Control top panty hose. Straighteners. Curling irons. Crimpers. Be
whoever you want to be. Just by their standards.
Stand in direct sunlight. Scrunch your lips. Tilt your head
and SNAPCHAT. Spring blossoms, floating butterflies with ingenious filtered lighting
making you look fifteen years younger. It’s Vogue baby. One pill. One day. One
magic promise. A handful of magic beans…the
“Jack and the Beanstalk” fairy tale for adults.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Her face
warmed by the sun.
Chin high
embraces its warmth.
beneath murky waters.
Her limbs
She floats.
She falls
from the sky.
Her thoughts
frantic before her.
A mind
troubled in wake, in sleep
Her prayers
She dreams.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
into you she fell
This martyred heart
Wants to rest
Seeking solace
Within herself
Wicked the embers
Raging inside
His fiery path
Widows the bride
Her ravaged heart
Craves release
Desiring only
What wants her least
Quell this life
Her soul unwell
This foolish girl
Into you she fell
Into you she fell
When I pass through
When I pass through
I cast a stone
A storm in the calm
Before I sleep
And bold is He
The savage beast
That lay his head
Across my breast
Slow the beating heart
Still I will lie
Fate is my anchor
No mercy her cry
Weary she sleeps
Her Faith no more
A soul released
Darken the moor
Who loved this girl
Mourns her breath
Wants for her
Rages her death
When I pass through
I cast a stone
To shout out loud
Before I am gone
Thursday, October 12, 2017
How do I undo you
How do I undo you
Furl the rose in blinding sun
Wither the joyous heart
How do I un-see the man
Release these chains
Unjust his worthy heart
How do I undo you
This heart filled
Her love true
How do I live
Want for ordinary
How do I not feel
Honeyed lips
Gingered kisses
How do you say goodbye
When I only see hello
How do I undo you
Monday, October 9, 2017
What I see in the dark
What I see in the dark
Serenity in shadows
There lingers her heart
Unbroken silence
Peace in anonymity
What lay heavy upon her
She is lost unseen
A mind she troubles
In soulful blackness
Salted tears
If only you would see
All that she fears
Clever is the night
Echo a beating heart
And thief of our light
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Her Evolution
I still lay awake at night wondering if he is thinking about
me like I do about him. And I doubt it. I am not quite sure why I put so much
importance on this person who decided just over a few days, over a few months
or over a fortnight that it was suddenly ok to just throw everything material
that you wanted to keep in the back of your pickup truck and leave behind the
memories, the people, the emotion that comes from over fifty years of a life
People I am quite sure are tired of listening to me talk
about him or maybe reading nuances of him in my stories and in my blogs, my
poems. He was important to me. He was my dad.
I wonder really how different would my life have been would
if I still had him in my life. A lot of
my mistakes and my behaviour especially in the last few years absolutely are
attributable to his departure. Absolutely I could look back and go – yeah I wasn’t
happy then.
I was in a bad place. The hole that he left inside of
me when he left I tried so hard to fill with maybe people I shouldn’t of
counted on. Or maybe filled with stuff that wasn’t good for me. Done for me.
But I let it happen because I was so afraid of one more person leaving my life.
He absolutely inspired my writing if only because I had so
much hurt bottled up inside of me. I couldn’t talk to my mom. I couldn’t talk
to my sisters. My writing was just this natural outlet for me. I formed
relationships I am quite sure were solely based on where I was in my life after he
left. Does that invalidate the relationship? Does that make it wrong? Or me
needy? I don’t think so.
I’ve grown immensely as a person. I am stronger. I am going
to say perhaps selfishly; that I’m positioned probably at the head of this family
and that’s not to slight my two sisters.
But just to show how far I feel I have leapt into a role to take care of
my mom, to fill this hole that dad left. And there was a lot of growing up
for the three of us. It’s so true when
people say ‘you don’t pick your family’. I honestly don’t think we would be
friends outside of this blood circle that we share. But I will say post dad,
and in our new normal we’ve connected. And that connection is real. That
connection is strong. And that connection cannot be taken away.

I don’t forgive him. At one point I had so much hate inside
of me. And I’ve cried so many tears over him. But if I were to stand back and ask
‘what did you teach me old man’. From all of this what can I take away? I’ve
met some really good people who do think that I am all that, who do believe in
me. I think I’ve set free some pieces of me that maybe I wouldn’t have ever
shown to anyone.
But the real me I don’t know. I don’t know. I am not a
chameleon. I am not this person who changes and morphs into someone different every
time they are with someone different but I don’t quite think who I am today is
necessarily who I am going to finish being when all is said and done.
I’ve stopped writing and I have started again. I stopped
because of him and I started because of him and I continue because of me. That’s
a good thing. I don’t have a lot of roots left anymore. I don’t have a lot of
true deep, meaningful friendships but the ones that I do have they’re real. The
roots that I do have; they’re starting to lay their seeds into the deep, brown
rich earth and they are going to get stronger. And they are going to get
bigger. And they are going to be that mighty oak that I thought I once was a
branch of and was taken from me.
I am the seedling.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
finding me
If for one day
I could be
Someone else
Someone not me
Her broken heart
At last free
Losing her
And losing me
A shining star
Sparkling bright
Fire and sky
She lights the night
If for one day
You could see
Who she is
This girl is me
Her new normal
Winged she soars
Strong of heart
Wanting more
If for one day
I could be
Anyone I wanted
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Sunday, October 1, 2017
When darkness prevails
He shuts his eyes
The moon escapes
Bringing bleak
Bright goes the Sun
Stars fade to night
Shadows erupt
Ashen skies
The silence echoes
Screams out loud
Smothering her voice
A quiet cry
In stillness he lays
Unable to move
Can he pray?
His soul aloof
You say goodnight
Upon knee we mourn
In light they lift him
Bringing dawn
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