Society demands it. We are reminded of it every single day
on our computers, our phones. Our televisions. Radios. When you least expect
it. Subway wall and billboard
advertorials. Oh my, the bargains. Whisper the million-dollar secret in my ear for three easy payments of $29.99 plus shipping. Celebrities endorse
them. Whoring themselves product in hand. Be like them. Choose them.
The plans. Educated doctors espousing fail-proof diets. Oops
lifestyles. Avoid carbohydrates. Choose complex or simple. Low fat. High fat
zero carbs. Listen to your Glycemic Index dummy! Whole grains. Eat clean. An apple a day.
Blood analysis. Protein shakes. Three square. Log. Journal. Meet. Discuss.
And the gadgets. Contraptions that tighten. Hold. Push up.
Places wholly designed to take you and morph you into someone entirely
different. Because who you are simply is not good enough. Relax you. Pamper
you. Massage you. Lift this. Tuck that. Give you more. A little plump here.
Reshape of this. Tilt of that. And they take away too. The cellulite Hoover –
who knew! Why settle for anything less. i wonder whether they recycle?
From concealer to blush. Eyelash extensions. Hair
extensions. Dyes. A palette of hues to help you be you. Foundation. Eye pencil.
Lip gloss. Lip liner. Contour. Animal hair brushes that glide smoothly over
your new face. Lazy? Permanent make-up is the flexible option for the busy
woman with low self-esteem.
Keep it altogether. Your girls knocking about in a push-up
by Victoria with matching panties – I would show you but they have disappeared.
YUP my new bootie ate them. Girdles and corsets for the special occasion; showcase
your willpower to the world. Spandex for the PMS bloat days. Control top panty hose. Straighteners. Curling irons. Crimpers. Be
whoever you want to be. Just by their standards.
Stand in direct sunlight. Scrunch your lips. Tilt your head
and SNAPCHAT. Spring blossoms, floating butterflies with ingenious filtered lighting
making you look fifteen years younger. It’s Vogue baby. One pill. One day. One
magic promise. A handful of magic beans…the
“Jack and the Beanstalk” fairy tale for adults.
Great post. And pic. So profound. Yes, Love yourself first and just see the beauty in yourself. Otherwise if you dont then others would feel same way. Thanks for sharing!